Nina Walz was the most recent recipient of a Career Opportunity Fund grant. She currently works in the food service industry and retail, but due to medical issues she needs to pursue another career avenue. She has chosen to pursue a degree toward becoming an Ayurvedic Wellness Counselor. This will involve both in-class and online classroom formats, with some travel involved. Once she has accomplished this educational goal, she will be able to employ Ayurvedic practices to determine a client’s body constitution, conduct consultations, give Ayurvedic guidance on daily routines and meditation, and offer advice on special therapies and home remedies.
Sisters Kiwanis awards grants to Sisters-area adults who are seeking a career change or who wish to enhance their career opportunities. The program, known as the Kiwanis Career Opportunity Fund (COF) assists adults (25 or older) who are financially unable to return to school or retrain for a career change. In the last 10 years, since its inception, the fund has awarded more than $70,000 in assistance to help residents reach their educational goals.
Read more at Nugget News: Career Opportunity