
Taste of Sisters & Mayor’s Ball

The air buzzed with excitement on Saturday evening as Sisters folks congregated at The Belfry for the second annual Taste of Sisters & Mayor’s Ball, hosted by Mayor Brad Boyd and event organizer Karen Kassy. Read more in The Nugget.

Fir Street Opening

Community celebrates opening for park

Despite the chill of a typical autumn morning in Sisters, members of the community gathered for the official opening celebration of Fir Street Park on Saturday. Sisters Mayor Brad Boyd kicked off the dedication ceremony. Click here to see more in The Nugget.

fir street park pavilion

City to celebrate Fir Street Park

The City of Sisters will celebrate the opening of its newest park on Saturday, September 27, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Activities will include a dedication ceremony, entertainment from a local dance troupe, live music by The Anvil Blasters and a barbecue. Click here to read the whole story at The Nugget.

Fir Street Park

Volunteers construct Fir Street Pavilion

A centerpiece of Sisters’ new Fir Street Park went up on Saturday without a hitch. Many hands gathered to erect a timber-frame pavilion over the stage at the park on the corner of Fir Street and Main Avenue. The structure was crafted in a Kiwanis-sponsored workshop under the tutelage of Kris Calvin of Earthwood Timber …

New Food Bank Helps Community

Sisters Kiwanis and a host of community volunteers have been feeding those who hunger for years now, through a food bank that has grown to be an important resource for the region. Now, thanks to the backing of still more volunteers, the service club has a new, purpose-built facility from where they can meet the need. The club cut …

career oportunity fund

Kiwanis Fund Supports Career Change

  Sometimes changing a career path takes thinking out of the box, finding a way around the traditional path to a brick-and-mortar school during fixed hours that just can’t be managed with your current job. With the help of a recently awarded Career Endowment from the Sisters Kiwanis Club, Corrie Ortner of Sisters is getting …